Saturday, August 3, 2013

Houghtons Gather in Seattle

Left to Right: Marilyn Houghton, Jane Houghton Preziose, John Houghton, Ian Frederick, Steve Henderson, Judy Houghton Henderson, Paul Preziose, Keith Houghton, Jason Houghton
Members of the Hoghton America Association--mostly from the Northwest--gathered for a very nice lunch today at The Elephant and Castle Pub in downtown Seattle, equally divided between Lancashire / Massachusetts Houghtons (Steve and Judy [Houghton] Henderson,  Paul and Jane [Houghton] Preziose) and my own Hampshire connections (Keith and Marilyn Houghton, Jason Houghton, and I). My former colleague from John Burroughs School and the Episcopal High School in Baton Rouge, Ian Frederick, joined us and tolerated two hours of lively conversation about Hoghton and Houghton affairs.
Judy and Paul

Judy, President of the HAA, brought greetings from Sir Bernard de Hoghton--she and Steve will be staying at the Tower (and dropping off a $1000 check representing our aggregated dues) this fall, en route to Ethiopia and Zanazibar.

It is not too late to send $50 dues to Judy to be added to the total; or, for the more ambitious, it is possible to make a US-tax-deductible gift of $500 or more to the Hoghton Tower Preservation Trust, via the Charities Aid Foundation ( --but note that CAF has a very nasty policy of not only returning checks for less than $500, but also charging a processing fee to do so: this is the CAF's idea, I should add, not the Trust's!)

As at any family reunion, there was a lot of story-telling. I was struck by how many people had anecdotes about Sir Bernard's mother, Philomena Adams (she had married Major Richard Adams after the death of Sir Cuthbert, Sir Bernard's father), and will hope to do a post on her relatively soon.
Jason, Marilyn, and Jane
Keith and Jason

Judy also noted that the Hoghton Tower website ( has been redesigned, with lots more pictures.

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